Deep Discounts

Members Discount: 35% OFF*

Members Eligible for Special Discounts

Special Member Package: Appearance by Local Influencer Personality at Your Business

Having a special event, sale, ribbon-cutting or party at your organization or business? For a special Chamber Member only special, a local influencer personality from our radio/digital/podcast brands at Mid-West Family will attend your event and assist you with hosting duties, broadcast live, or go live on social media to invite customers and friends!

Invite Local Radio & Community Personalities to Your Event, And They'll Invite Your Customers!

NEW Radio + Digital Bundles

Pair the power of local radio features, influencer endorsements, social media, Town Crier Wire and in one monthly bundle!

Pair the power of local radio features, influencer endorsements, social media, Town Crier Wire and in one monthly bundle!

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Bridgman CGA