Dr. Ken Flowers has been selected as a recipient of the prestigious Patriot Award, presented by the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), a Department of Defense program. The award recognizes supervisors who provide exceptional support and understanding to employees serving in the National Guard and Reserve.
Dennis Lutz, retired U.S. Army Major General and ESGR volunteer, presented the award to Dr. Flowers.
About the Patriot Award
The Patriot Award is unique in that only Reservists can nominate their supervisors for this honor. Joe Zwiller, a Marine Corps Reservist and instructor at Lake Michigan College, nominated Dr. Flowers because of his unwavering support and encouragement of Zwiller’s military service.
"Dr. Ken Flowers has been instrumental in helping me balance my Marine Corps Reserve duties with my professional responsibilities," said Zwiller. "He not only values the leadership and strategic skills I bring from my service but also encourages me to integrate these experiences into my teaching and department operations."
"When I am promoted in March, it will be due in no small part to the support provided by Dr. Flowers and Lake Michigan College," Zwiller added.
Dr. Flowers’ recognition with the Patriot Award highlights Lake Michigan College's dedication to supporting its employees' service to the country. This event celebrates the intersection of military leadership and academic excellence, showcasing the value of collaboration and mutual respect in the workplace.
About Lake Michigan College
To learn more about Lake Michigan College, please visit lakemichigancollege.edu.
About ESGR
ESGR is a Department of Defense program aimed at fostering a culture of employer support for military service in the National Guard and Reserve. Every state has an ESGR committee dedicated to recognizing supportive employers and promoting cooperation between military and civilian life.
For more information about ESGR and the Patriot Award, visit www.esgr.mil.