
Medical ServicesWellness & PreventionWoman Owned

About Us

At Health Elevated, we know that you want to get out of survival mode, trust your body and love your life again. In order to do that, you need freedom from those annoying and embarrassing pelvic health issues that limit your daily activities. The problem is that right now you pee when you sneeze, sex hurts, and you have to plan your road trips based on bathroom locations (if you can take them at all) Which makes you feel ashamed, hopeless and out of control, like your body is waging a silent war against you.

We know what it is like to face stigma and shame around pelvic floor symptoms, and how it feels to have your concerns be dismissed as “normal,” “part of getting older” or “just how your body is after childbirth.” We believe that just because something may be common does not mean it is normal, (or that you should have to live with it for the rest of your life!) This is why we provide concierge pelvic health services to adults and children, to create breakthrough results and outcomes that significantly improve immediate quality of life, while replacing your nagging worry with knowledge, confidence and a plan!

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Amy Underwood

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